I'm so tired! We got the keys to the new flat last week and have spent the last few days decorating before we can move in. I'm not in a routine of getting up regularly at 7.30am so it's been taking it's toll. I've had to put the guitar obsession on hold too, but i can't wait to get back to near-civilization (assuming Leith falls into that category?)
So it's been fun times on the music front. I had a BRILLIANT time at the Liquid Ship in Glasgow last thursday. One of the most fun gigs i've done for a while, and i'm now gearing up for my support slot with Cattle And Cane on the 11th of April. Y'all should come along!
As well as that, The Electric Ghosts are back jamming, and are set to play at Haddowfest in Edinburgh on April 3rd. Our first live outing since the summer! We're playing Cabaret Voltaire around 4.30 if you're interested.
My musical discovery this week has been Secret Sisters. Proper old-skool country tunes wrapped up in a mighty purdy package. I've posted a video below, and also a song from the Liquid Ship gig. Hope you enjoy!